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alias boss bossgone bjtime cls describe exit/quit
finger help hp id inventory nick passwd
save score set suicide time title unset
uptime version who wimpy wizlist


ai ansuan ask attack beg ce check/dating
close come drop emote fight/qiecuo follow
get give go guard halt hbless hit
hubo jiasi jiebai kantou kill location look
mbless nuoyi open piao pour put release
remove reply ride/qi say semote setwmsg shexin
shout/han sleep stay steal stop surrender team
tell to touxi train tune unride/xia
unwield vote wear whisper wield


abadon/fangqi apprentice/bai enable/jifa enforce/jiali
exercise/dazuo exert/yun expell/kaichu jingzuo
learn/xue perform/yong persuade/quanjia practice/lian
prepare/bei recruit/shou research|yanjiu respirate/tuna
skills/cha study/du teach/jiao