回首论坛里的日子,转眼15载,那是关于青春的日子,指尖绕过流年,沾染春温秋素的时光,涤 荡四季轮回的涟漪,一纸冰凉,青春的底片在时间的冲刷中黯然失色,曾经的年少轻狂,曾经的放荡 不羁,曾经的梦幻时光。被一份悸动牵绊着。经年后,蓦然回首,却是用尽全力换来一场回忆,只是 这回忆,会让自己不经意的泛起泪光,苦苦的、甜甜的、咸咸的、涩涩的,酸酸的。 记忆中,关于青春,关于校园,关于论坛,关于你、我、他/她,犹如一份长长的画卷,这幅画卷 中记录着谁?有怎样的面孔?又会是怎样的心情,现在的你、他/她又在哪...
1995年3月14日,《东方故事2》架构的天神(Admin)Annihilator在中文MUD史上第一份系统性的管理者指南中写下了以上的内容,当然这份指南的出现已经是在第一个MUD诞生16年之后。1979年,在英国塞克斯大学(Essex)的DEC system-10主机上,运行着Richard Barthl和Roy Trubshaw开发的第一个可供多人参与的纯文字界面的游戏,他们将这个游戏称为MUD1 对于很多人来说最早的网络游戏可能意味着传奇,奇迹,魔力宝贝等等。 但是事实上最早的网络游戏可以追溯到一...
重温经典 文字MUD [ 海洋VI - 江湖风云录 ] 曾经迷狂的MUD,那些逝去的记忆......
17年前我们在,17年后,我们还在……[ 海洋 - 江湖风云录 ] [ 海洋 - 江湖风云录 ] 官方QQ群:3541849 PC客户端: https://book.itsns.net.cn/MudClient.zip安 卓 端: https://book.itsns.net.cn/hymud.apk网 页 端: http://webmud.itsns.net.cn/ MUD的吸引人之处在于,它摈弃了现实的骨肉,精简了诸多的繁枝末节,直接予人真实强烈的精神感受。 ...
roBrowser install Config
Web : https://www.robrowser.com Installation This doc will explain how to download and install roBrowser on your website or as a Chrome App and will explain how the users will be able to use it. Note: roBrowser is just an executable, so to run it you will n...
Memory Optimization
Do you know about the Garbage Collector ? Javascript doesn't have an explicit memory management, you can create but not delete objects. The Garbage collector help to regular this problem by pausing the javascript execution randomly to clean up unuse...
Finally! Trade Interface
Finally, one of the most waiting features of roBrowser is available : The Trade Interface. A lot of works were done recently in roBrowser so I got some time playing with the Trade window. It was introduce in the version f78c6875. Available by doing a ri...
Card System implemented
Last week roBrowser comes with a new addition : the card system. This system is well known in Ragnarok Online because it's the main element of strategic stuff and build. Cards are rare items you can find by killing monsters with a 0.01% chance rate. T...
Grf Viewer
GRF is the file extention for Ragnarok Online Game Resource Archive. This file is a sort of .zip storing all resources files from the game in its content. Writing a loader in javascript was kind of challengeous because of some limitation: Memor...
Loading local FullClient
One of the most unique features of roBrowser compared to other web apps is the ability to load directly Ragnarok Online files stored in user computer.Doing this will avoid the application to download files from a remote client, loading will be far fast...
Cute Pets are now available
Ragnarok Online QPet is a system which allows players to tame monsters to become pets. The pet will follow the player everywhere and give him some special stat bonuses once Cordial or Loyal, He'll need to be feed and you can even let him equip some acces...
Welcome Effects
Awesome graphic improvement today, I created a STR file loader and renderer. This file contain key animationsof some effects used in Ragnarok Online, so since #8cd630e0, roBrowser is now able to display some graphics effects. I also wrote a viewer you c...
NPC Store successfully implemented
One of the most used feature in Ragnarok Online, the NPC Store, is now available in roBrowser. It was added in version #dc23ce55.This window allow to buy and sell items to a NPC, it's time to do business ! There are still some features missing, currentl...
Emotions and Status
The latest version comes with a new feature : sprite attachment. This system help to attach sprite to characters without adding a tonnes of new code, making the code more maintainable. You can now test the result in game with two new features : emotions ...
Party System just landed
Since some days now, one of the most ask features were implemented : the Party system (and friends) is now available in roBrowser.All features from the official client are currently implemented: Chat commands: /organize, /invite, /leave. Contex...
1 关于输赢 有输有贏才是真正的生活,在合作与共事中需设身处地为他人着想,建立"我们"的思维才能贏得更好的支持与资源。 2 关于沉淀 经验不仅是你经历了什么,而是你在经历中沉淀了什么。这种沉淀是对经历过的人、事、物的思考,应用重构的方法将这些思考形成自己对世界的客观认知。这个认知至少由三个变量构成:是什么?为什么?怎么做? 欢迎走进5月7-9号在北京玄元书院即将召开的《企业大学建设》策略版。帮您梳理企业战略、管理及标杆的经验,沉淀方法论,形成您企业的核心竞争力! 3 关于等待 ...
管理规定 (1)一人不能有多ID,违反者两个ID均删除(2)ID转手或托管时要到BBS发帖或传悄悄话申请并说明原因,待管理员许可 (3)利用BUG作不道德交易或利已行为者立刻删除(4)发现BUG时应向管理员报告 (5)游戏內严禁任何內容涉政治及不雅成份,(政治)违者踢出游戏,(不雅)若警告后一星期未作改善立刻刪除(6)玩家必須尊从管理員指示,违反两次刪除(7)不得利用按键精灵及其他软件做出非人为练级行为(挂机),违者立刻删除 (搜查挂机的办法之一:在线GM和万战以上玩家将对使用玩家进行不定时点名,看到点名请立刻...
extmail 密码加密方式修改为plain-md5的方法
extmail默认密码加密方式是md5crypt,但是有些时候会遇到这样的问题——老的邮件系统中的用户密码是md5加密的。 此时需要将extmail的密码加密方式修改为md5,通过官方解释(md5和md5crypt没有区别),修改为plain-md5即可。但是,这只解决了web登陆的验证问题,没有解决smtp以及pop3的验证问题。 通过 http://www.extmail.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=3175 帖子解决了验证问题,内容摘录如下: courier-authlib...
extmail本身预留了短信提醒的接口,但代码基本没写,于是,花了点时间,实现了收到邮件后短信提示的功能,实现方法大致如下: 1、extmail/html/default/filter.html 文件中MAIL2SMS选项卡部分修改为: (因草稿中丢失格式,暂时不确定原来的内容,看说明部分,目的是增加一个接收手机号码的文本框。) checked> *说明:在WEBMAIL后台增加一个接收手机号码的输入框。这个手机号码对应变量mail2smsNum 2、extma...
Package libqrencode was not found in the pkg-config search path.
cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.6922 on perl 5.016003 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi Work directory is /root/.cpanm/work/1557338319.8927 You have make /usr/bin/make You have LWP 6.05 You have /usr/bin/tar: tar (GNU tar) 1.26 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Softwa...
优化 Perl 代码
坦率地说,我喜欢 Perl。也许是用太久了,有一定的感情,Perl编写了很多管理脚本,并编写了一些游戏。通常使用 Perl 是为了节省时间,并为我自动检查一些服务器信息,甚至使用 Perl 来自动编写邮件WebMail。由于使用 Perl 让一切都变得如此简单,因此很容易忘记对其进行优化。许多情况下,这并不是世界末日。因此多花几个毫秒来查询或处理日志文件又有什么关系呢? 然而,这些相同的懒惰习惯在小程序中可能只是多花费几毫秒的时间,但是在大规模开发项目中,多耗费的时间就变成数倍了。这就是 Perl 的 TMTOW...